
Me, my Fuji & their stories...

Reason For Being is my own personal forum to relive my youth. I owe my passion for photography to my late photographer father, Peter Sawa. He nurtured me from a very young age by placing a camera in my hand when I was 11 - a ‘Yashika 35’ rangefinder.

Despite a successful career as a commercial & advertising photographer for the past 25 years, I miss the documentary photography genre where my photography love began. In recent times, my ‘Fujifilm X-Series’ digital camera has reinvigorated my passion & innocence to document moments in time & just take photos. There are not many platforms left (read print publications) to showcase these images & stories, so I decided to create my own website.

When my beloved father passed away in 2017, I made a vow in his eulogy that I will embrace his legacy & continue to make him proud. In small part, this passion project is my ‘reason for being’...

Isamu Sawa/Photographer